Golden H Cream in Pakistan, Ship Mart, 03000479274

Golden H Cream in Pakistan, Ship Mart, 03000479274

Contact Seller Rs 1,500


Golden H Cream is a popular cosmetic product in Pakistan that is used for skin lightening and brightening. The cream is marketed as an effective solution for reducing dark spots, blemishes, and discoloration, and is particularly popular among women who want to achieve a fairer complexion.The cream contains a blend of natural and synthetic ingredients, including kojic acid, vitamin C, arbutin, and licorice extract. These ingredients are known to have skin lightening and brightening properties, and work by inhibiting the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color.Despite its popularity, Golden H Cream has been the subject of controversy in Pakistan, with some experts expressing concerns about the safety and efficacy of the product. Some studies have suggested that prolonged use of skin lightening products like Golden H Cream can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.Furthermore, the sale and use of skin lightening products have been linked to broader issues of colorism and discrimination in many parts of the world, including Pakistan. Critics argue that the promotion of fair skin as an ideal beauty standard perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces social inequalities.
  • Published

    2023-04-23 12:06:17

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