15 Highest Paying Jobs & Professions in Pakistan 2022 and 2023

Pakistan is a third-world nation, and the employment landscape is constantly expanding. Everyone wants to find a reliable job that pays well in this unpredictable era. While attractive salaries may seem out of reach to some, they are achievable with the right combination of knowledge, training, and experience. To prepare for, target, and land the job of your dreams, use this list of the highest-paying jobs in Pakistan in 2022 and 2023.

15 Highest Paying Jobs & Professions in Pakistan 2022 and 2023
  • I. I.T. specialists 

covid 19 pandemic has greatly hastened to adopt of digital for businesses worldwide. The requirement for qualified software engineers, website developers, Android developers, iOS developers, etc., has surged. Salary levels in this profession are extremely competitive because of the growing demand and limited supply.


I.T. professionals with talent and credentials can make anywhere between PKR 90,000 to 500,000 at software companies and global corporations all around the nation.


  • II. Judges

One of a state's four foundations is the judiciary. A balanced society's foundation is made up of judges. Their hefty wages are justified by the significant responsibilities and in-depth training required for this position. Every community holds the position of a judge in high regard. The numerous exams and years of expertise needed to fill this position justify the remuneration of Rs 400,000 monthly.


  1. Lawyer

In Pakistan, being an attorney is a highly esteemed occupation. Corporate law, family law, criminal law, international norms, ecological law, intellectual property law, real estate law, tax law, immigration law, and many other areas of law are among the many specializations available to attorneys.


Due to the abundance of prospects and constant demand for experienced lawyers. An LLB degree and years of relevant work experience are prerequisites for this career. Beginning attorneys may make roughly 40,000 PKR, but as they gain expertise, their salaries might rise as high as 300,000 PKR.


  1. H.R. Director

Beginning a career in human resource management is one of the finest professions in Pakistan for 2022 and 2023, especially for Pakistani women. Moreover, it is one of Pakistan's highest-paying jobs.


To ensure that business operations run effectively, H.R. managers are primarily in charge of hiring, training, career development, employee relations, compensation, and compliance. Their average salaries are between 100,000 to 170,000


  • V. Telecom Engineer

The fastest-growing industry in Pakistan is telecommunications, which provides services that bring in billions of rupees daily.


One of the top occupations in Pakistan is beginning a career in the telecom engineering field. The monthly salary is between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 100,000.


  1. Project Director

The project manager oversees the project's planning, acquisition, and implementation. Project management is one of the highly compensated occupations in Pakistan.


For their positions and services, they are well compensated. The monthly remuneration is between Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 250,000.


  1. Design Thinker or creative designer

The creative designer creates new fashion trends, stylish logos, fresh design models, etc., in Pakistan's top ten highest paying jobs.


For their innovative services and skills, they are also paid handsome salaries. The monthly pay ranges from Rs. 55,000 to 150,000.


  1. Aviation Director

Aviation management ensures the safety and navigation of the airlines. One of the greatest and highest paying occupations in Pakistan, it calls for specialized training and extensive experience.

For several reasons, aviation managers' wages are relatively high. The monthly compensation is between Rs. 150,000 to Rs. 575,000.


  1. Chartered Accountant

In Pakistan, chartered accounting is anticipated to have the highest salaries by 2022. This is because they are hired for important roles in an organization's financial operations, such as chief accountant, auditor, financial officer, and financial analyst.


Even before they begin working, they are given the best pay packages, and as they gain experience, their pay increases significantly. The salary range as per different research of a Chartered Accountant is between 150,000 to 350,000


  • X. Lecturer

University Lecturers In Pakistan's educational system earns a good amount; lecturers who specialize in a certain field of study are paid substantial compensation packages. The monthly remuneration is between Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 150,000.


  1. Bank Managers

Bank managers are in charge of a vast amount of money and investments. It's an important profession, and you must ensure that people can confidently put their hard-earned money in the bank. This job's high level of responsibility and danger justifies its high pay.

Although an MBA is ideal for this position, years of banking experience and understanding of the banking system are crucial for this post. Nearly 300,000 PKR can be made by bank managers each month.


  1. Dentists

It necessitates in-depth research and professional experience in dentistry. In addition, it is a costly industry that uses pharmaceuticals and imported equipment. However, their highly skilled work makes dentists who get positive reviews pay well.


A 5-year college degree in dentistry is required, besides practical job experience. Up to 250,000 can be made per month by a skilled dentist.


  1. Pilot

Although being a pilot may sound exciting, it is a difficult and dangerous career. A pilot must always be prepared for any situation because they are daily in charge of hundreds of lives.

One must complete demanding training programmes to become a pilot. This position warrants a high remuneration of up to 1,85,000 PKR due to the significant risk and responsibility involved.


  1. Auditor

An audit manager plans and oversees audits by adhering to the audit plan's guidelines.

An audit manager oversees the audit procedure, offers advice regarding the rules, and ensures that the enterprise complies with all requirements set forth by the government or any other institution.


  1. Surgeons

One of the professions with the highest levels of training in medicine and surgery. Long years of study and commitment are necessary for this career. It is a dangerous job that necessitates rigorous training and extensive work experience.


Newly educated doctors make above-average salaries, while highly skilled doctors and surgeons are handsomely paid for their demanding jobs and can make up to $400,000 per month.


The Last say:

Although Pakistan's economy may not be the strongest in the world, there are still chances that can help you achieve your financial goals. Use our list of the highest-paying jobs in Pakistan to obtain insight into the labour market and find a position that meets your academic and financial goals. You could also visit the fantastic website https://topdeals.pk/to find the best deals on food, clothing, and other items in Pakistan.

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